Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I started experimenting with OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi a year or so ago and it has now become the go to printing software. It's free and open source, also very well supported and documented, just followed the docs on the website - very straightforward. Great resource for wireless printing with a simple web-based interface. However, I still do all the slicing in Slic3r (within Repetier) and just export the G-code to the Octo-server (settings available in an earlier post). I will likely switch to Cura in the near future.

This is not the most elegant solution, but used some custom mods to attach a dedicated Raspberry Pi w/ OctoPrint server to the printer to make things easier.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Printrbot settings archive

I (temporarily) lost my installed version of Repetier on my Macbook and I could not find the original info I used from Printrbot (I think) since it's an older model. And I could not figure out how to find them on my Time Machine backup.  So once everything got restored, I decided to archive the original settings that have worked from the start.  Here they are:

Screenshots of all Repetier-Slic3r settings used for initial setup of the Printrbot 1405 Simple Maker kit (http://printrbot.com/project/simple-makers/).  Adjust as needed.